1. It is unmatched in its resistance to rot and pests, and its oils even protect nails against corrosion. 它对腐烂和害虫的抵抗力是无与伦比的,它的油甚至可以保护指甲不受腐蚀。
2. He had a talent unmatched by any other politician of this century. 他的才华是本世纪其他政坛人物所望尘莫及的。
3. Overconsumption by the world's fortunate is an environmental problem unmatched in severity by anything but perhaps population growth. 这个世界的幸运儿所进行的过度消费成了一个环境问题,其严重程度也许只有人口增长问题能与之相提并论。
4. Poe's sense of the dramatic was unmatched. 坡对戏剧性的感觉是无可匹敌的。