1. And they were certainly unmemorable, as they were both defeats, but with promotion already secured. 而这两场比赛也不值得怎么去纪念,球队都输了,但是升级早已成功。
2. The match, despite the rivalry between the two teams, was a fairly unmemorable game, rarely sparking into life. 尽管两支球队为宿敌,这场赛事却是一场完全不值得令人记住的比赛,极少出现火花。
3. The most trifling of essayists and most unmemorable of poetasters are seized upon to serve as subjects for doctoral dissertations, and be published subsequently . 最不足取的散文作家,最无出息的劣等诗人,都被抢去作为博士论文的题目,后来还要出版。
4. As a branding rule of thumb, two unconnected nouns, such as “skin” and “fruit”, are entirely unmemorable unless they combine into something that makes sense, like “fruit salad”. 按照命名的不二法则,两个毫不相干的名词,如“皮肤”和“水果”组合在一起,不会给人留下任何印象。 只有组合成像“水果沙拉”这样有意义的词,人们才有反应。