1. And unpracticed in the duties of civil administration ought to be peculiarly conscious of his own deficiencies. 又无民政管理的实践,理应倍觉自己能力之不足,因而必然感到难以肩此重任。
2. Reconstructing Mendelssohn on His 200th Birthday: Record a Violin Concerto with a Soloist unpracticed and an Orchestra unattended? 重构门德尔松:在他的200岁生日——由未练习的独奏者与不在场的乐队录制一首小提琴协奏曲?
3. And a new question was raised when studying the SSA: whether the priming effect is generated by practiced masked stimuli instead of unpracticed masked stimuli? 在对阈下语义启动效应的研究中出现一个新的问题:是否只有练习过的启动刺激才会产生启动效应,而没有练习过的启动刺激就不会产生启动效应?