1. I do object to their claim, which I find totally unsubstantiated. 我确实反对他们的说法,我发现那是完全没有根据的。
2. There are reports that some military aircraft flew information when they were low on fuel during the Second World War, but Dr. Lissaman says they are unsubstantiated. 有报道称,二战期间,一些军机曾在燃料不足的情况下编队飞行。但利萨曼博士表示,这些说法没有根据。
3. Many newspapers quoted figures that are unsubstantiated. 许多报纸采用了不确切的数字。
4. Many contemporary publications quote figures that are unsubstantiated. 许多现行刊物所采用的数字是不确切的。
5. Most negative comments, on both sides, are usually technically unsubstantiated. 所有的负面评论,无论哪一方,通常都是技术上站不住脚的。