1. Therefore it was often sneered at by people with common views on account of its unsuitability for trifling things. 它不是做这些小玩意儿的,所以常常就遭到世俗的讥讽。
2. She'd hoped that her mother might relent a little about the unsuitability of Mr. Barton, but her mind was made up. 她希望她母亲会对巴顿先生宽厚一点,但是她的想法也没得逞。
3. For example, it would be questionable to use Zachman in a development environment by virtue of its inherent unsuitability. 例如,由于其固有的不适应性,在开发环境中使用Zachman是值得置疑的。
4. There aren't many traditional city blocks. In the days when Beijing was famous for swarms of cyclists, its unsuitability for automobiles didn't matter; 在多数人以自行车代步的年代,城区不适合汽车行走还不成其为问题;
5. The influence caused by the unsuitability of gas mixing process is overcome by the controller. The real-time control effects show that the application of this controller is effective and realisable. 该控制器克服了混合煤气工艺过程工况不稳定的不定因素所带来的影响,实时控制结果表明,这种控制器的采用是有效而又合乎实际的。