1. Also, I (we) must thank all of our lecturers for untiringly guiding us along the way. 同时,也感谢老师对我们的辛勤教导!
2. Moderation"is a goal hard to fully realized but having been seeked untiringly by economists." “适度”是经济学家不懈追求的、同时也是难以真正实现的“最优”目标。
3. You will be a donkey. You will work untiringly from sunrise to sunset carrying burdens on your back. 你,会成为一头驴。从日出到日落,你将背负着压力,不知疲倦地工作。
4. Let me begin by saying "Thank you" to all of my team mates in the research group who have worked so untiringly. 一开始让我向研究小组的所有勤于工作的组员们,说声谢谢。
5. A boy received a drum as a present and he played it untiringly in the apartment, in the hallways, and in the street. 一个男孩得到一面鼓作为礼物,他乐此不疲的在家里、在楼道里、在马路上敲着这面鼓。