1. He picked on two of her statements which he said were untrue. 他从她的话中挑出了两处他认为不真实的地方。
2. "There is no bullying at this school" has been a common refrain, almost certainly untrue. “这所学校没有霸凌现象”是一个常见的说法,几乎可以肯定是不真实的。
3. Andrew Meldrum, an American, who's lived in Zimbabwe for over twenty years, is accused of publishing an untrue story and faces up to two years in prison if found guilty. 美国人安德鲁·梅尔德鲁姆在津巴布韦生活了20多年,他被指控发表了一篇不真实的报道,如果罪名成立,他将面临两年的监禁。
4. These accusations are totally untrue. 这些指控纯属捏造。
5. The allegations were completely untrue. 这些指控完全没有事实根据。