1. The famililarization about the Room category and Floor Plan could facilitate the Upselling. 熟悉酒店的房间种类和楼层平面图可以为卖高价房提供极大的支持。
2. Ensure a high quality of service. could do cashiering and have a sense of upselling. arrange the work of the Boulangerie Sever. 确保高质量的对客服务。 能够收银,有一定的销售技巧。 安排面包店服务员的日常工作。
3. Oneseller was gathering a crowd, upselling leg-thickbranches, he chopped them into pieces and people chewed on it, I tried it too and found it full with water. 集市上,有一档围满了人,一个男子正在销售大腿那么粗的树枝(编者注:也许是甘蔗),他将树枝砍成碎块,人们拿来咀嚼,我也试吃了,发现水分很足。
4. Vienna Zoo is using bar codes sent to mobile phones for admission, so upselling of activities for future days should definintely be incorporated into the geo-gaming experience. Vienna Zoo正利用发到手机上的二维码进行身份验证,因此,这种将在未来大行其道的增值销售活动的确要整合到地理位置游戏的用户体验中。