1. We cannot buy food and clothes and pay for rent and utilities on $20 a week. 我们无法靠每星期$20来购买食品、衣物,付房租和水电费。
2. The only industries swelling their payrolls are health care, utilities and the federal government. 只有医疗保健、公共事业和联邦政府这些行业涨了工资。
3. It also mandated that utilities purchase wind energy at a preferential price—thus guaranteeing investors a customer base. 它还要求公用事业公司以优惠价格购买风能,从而保证投资者有一个客户群。
4. In Frederick, students' parents are buying classroom supplies and offering to pay for groceries and utilities to keep first-year teachers and principals in their jobs. 在腓特烈,学生的父母负责购买教室用品,并主动支付杂物费用和水电费,以保住一年级的教师和校长的工作。
5. The Public Utilities Commission inspects us once a year. 公用设施委员会每年到我们这里视察一次。