1. A scar left on the skin by vaccinating. 瘢痕:伤口愈合后残留在皮肤上的瘢痕。
2. In Peru, women get one dollar a day for vaccinating and sending their children to school. 在秘鲁,妇女得到一美元的一天接种和送子女上学。
3. Eradication requires reaching children in the few areas where the virus still circulates and vaccinating all children under the age of 5. 根除需要在该病毒仍然传播的少数地区接触到儿童和预防接种所有5岁以下儿童。
4. This photo story documents the unusual challenges the health workers faced in reaching and vaccinating people in remote and resource-poor areas of Mali. 这组照片故事记录了卫生工作者在马里的偏远和资源贫乏地区,开展人员普及和疫苗接种工作所面临的不寻常的挑战。
5. With the White House moving toward a military attack against Iraq, the Pentagon is expected to start vaccinating up to 500,000 troops against smallpox. 随着白宫对伊拉克的军事打击日益明朗化,五角大楼准备开始给50万大军进行预防天花的接种。