1. Man can never know the ultimate verities. 人类是永远不会知道终极真理的。
2. The four verities were revealed to Buddha. 佛陀受到了四大真理的启示。 …
3. Starting with Socrates, philosophers have been searching for the eternal verities. 自苏格拉底以降,哲学家一直在追寻永恒的真理。
4. Some economists think the results cast doubt on the long-held verities of their discipline. 一些经济学家认为这个结果使得他们学科中长期信奉的真理遭到了质疑。
5. A Heritage book and video (" We Still Hold These Truths ") promotes the old verities as a panacea for present ills. 基金会的一本著作与配套光碟《我们依然坚守这些真理》宣传那些古老之真理才是去除当今弊端的灵丹妙药。