2. Thee Vestal Virgins lived at the Forum as well. [6]维斯塔贞女也居住在古罗马广场。
3. Vestal looked up to see Belfred crooking a finger from the half darkness of the hall. 薇思德一抬头,看见白菲瑞达在半明半暗的门厅里弯弯手指招她过去。
4. Vestal looked up to see Belfreda crooking a finger from the half-darkness of the hall. 薇思德一抬头,看见白菲瑞达在半明半暗的门厅里弯弯手指招她过去。
5. Livia was appointed a priestess in Augustus' newly established cult and, like a vestal, the right to a lictor when she performed her duties. 利维娅被任命为新设立的奥古斯都祭司,并且如同维斯塔贞女一样在履行公务的时候享有扈从跟随的荣耀。