1. Renault's competitor PSA Peugeot Citroen is "extremely vigilant" about the risks of industrial espionage. 雷诺的竞争对手标志雪铁龙“极其警惕”工业间谍的风险。
2. However, a different explanation is necessary in cases where the vigilant behavior is not directed at predators. 然而,在警觉行为不针对捕食者的情况下,则需要不同的解释。
3. While such vigilant tracking of cancer is a good thing in general, researchers are increasingly questioning whether all of this testing is necessary for the elderly. 尽管总体上看,这种对癌症警惕的持续观察是一件好事,但研究人员越来越怀疑,是否所有这些检查对老年人来说都是必要的。
4. The organism is more awake, more vigilant; this increased vigilance results in the apprehension of ever more subtle signals as the organism becomes more sensitive to its surroundings. 有机体更清醒,更警觉;随着有机体对周围环境变得更加敏感,这种提高的警惕性导致对更细微信号的理解。
5. If individuals on the edge of a group are more vigilant because they are at greater risk of being captured, then individuals on average would have to be more vigilant in smaller groups. 如果处于群体边缘的个体由于被捕获的风险更大而变得更加警惕,那么个体通常在较小的群体中就必须更加警惕。