1. She had a visceral dislike of all things foreign. 凡是外国的东西,她都打心眼儿里讨厌。
2. The performance is so visceral, creepy, and insistently present that the characterization pulls you in almost at once. 表演是如此发自内心、令人恐惧、仿佛亲临其境,因此他的角色立刻吸引住你。
3. Pericarditis is an inflammatory process involving the parietal and visceral layers. 心包炎是一种累及壁层和内脏层的炎症过程。
4. Viscerosomatic reflex hypothesis describes that visceral afferent fibers cause reflex somatic problems. 内脏反射假说,内脏传入纤维引起反射性躯体问题。
5. The outermost layer of the wall of the heart is also the innermost layer of the visceral pericardium. 心壁的最外层也是心外膜的最内层。