1. She loved singing as a child and started vocal training at 12. 她还是个小孩的时候就爱唱歌,12岁就开始了声乐训练。
2. If a singer coughs, this can result in the bruising of the vocal cords. 如果歌手咳嗽,这可能会导致声带瘀伤。
3. Crocodiles have a similar level of, vocal sophistication, which makes them unique among reptiles. 鳄鱼也有类似的声音,这使得它们在爬行动物中变得独一无二。
4. Instead, they receive a fixed rate, which is typically about $825 for a standard four-hour vocal session. 相反,他们会得到固定的费用,通常一节标准四小时声乐课的费用是825美元。
5. They are easily available on the continent and they are useful if a singer has problems with his vocal cords and has to sing that night. 它们在欧洲大陆很容易买到,并且如果歌手的声带有问题,而且当晚必须要唱歌,它们就能派上用场。