1. The media has made unfeeling voyeurs of all of us. 媒体已让我们所有人都变成冷酷无情的刺探他人隐私的人。
2. Most writers are voyeurs of a kind. 大部份作家都属某一种类型的窥秘者。
3. He also did much to turn Britons into a nation of voyeurs. 他的所作所为很大程度上激起了英国人的偷窥欲。
4. The geneticists and the laboratory voyeurs may be busy for some time. 遗传学家和实验室里那帮兴致勃勃的人也许又得忙活一阵子了。
5. Itinvestigates the way people live. It makes voyeurs of all of us, and theresults of their studies provide important titillations to our understanding ofhuman behavior. 他们调查我们的生活方式,窥探我们的隐私,最后他们用研究成果颠覆我们对人类行为的固有看法。