1. Continue with the vulgarities, they wear very well on a beer brain like you. 继续说脏话吧。那些人都衣着光鲜,但包裹的却是象你一样的啤酒脑袋。
2. Thus was born a new campaign against what officials call the "three vulgarities". 由此中国官方发起了一项名曰“反三俗”的新运动。
3. However, people of this metropolis do not fall prey to the same overused vulgarities. 不同于一般的是,这城市的人并不同样的过度使用粗话。
4. The online payroll service also suggests replacing common vulgarities with phrases like "What the French toast?" or "brother trucker." 这项在线雇佣调查还建议使用“What the French toast”或者“brother trucker”等词句来代替常见的粗话。