1. In less than a year, the wage-earner earned a million while li already had millions of deposits. 未及一年,打工仔已腰缠百万,而李某则已有存款数百万矣。
2. For the million Spanish families who saw a wage-earner lose their job in 2008, Christmas was a lot grimmer. 2008年,西班牙数以百万计的家庭亲眼目睹了靠工资度日的人们下岗待业,圣诞节更是雪上加霜。
3. I'm simply a wage-earner, and I find it difficult enough to raise one child, so I won't consider the second. 我只是个工薪阶层,而且我发现养一个孩子挺难的,所以我不会考虑第二个的。
4. Among the millions with hourly earnings at or below the minimum wage level, the overwhelming majority are from multiple-earner, relatively affluent families. 在每小时工资处于或低于最低工资水平的数百万人中,绝大多数来自有多收入者、相对富裕的家庭。
5. Keynes assumes that a person's income depends on the consumption of the product being sold, and by extension believes that by not consuming, one is denying a wage earner a wage. 凯恩斯认定一个人的收入受制于对正在出售的产品的消费。进一步,凯恩斯还相信,一个人不消费,就是拒绝向工资劳动者给付工资。