1. Subsequently, education can improve her wage-earning capacity and contribute to better choices in rental communities. 随后,教育可以提高她打工谋生的能力,并有助于更好地选择在租住的社区。
2. That is, given the tax instruments available, some fraction of the wage-earning population may evade income taxes completely. 那是,给税可得到的仪器,一些工资赚人口的分数可以规避所得税完全。
3. Two trials examined military recruits and the third studied boys from "lower wage-earning classes" attending a boarding school in the UK during World War II. 其中两篇试验以入伍新兵为研究对象,而第三篇的研究对象则来自于二次世界大战期间就读于英国某所住宿学校的“低收入户”男童。
4. Not until the 18th century did labor begin to be divided along a sharp line: wage-earning for the men and unpaid maintenance of household and children for the women. 直到18世纪家庭分工才有了清晰的界限:男人负责赚钱养家,女人做家务带孩子。
5. An Italian father may also continue to bankroll his grown-up, wage-earning son, because he takes pleasure, as the head of the family, in financing his "youngsters", no matter how old they might be. 意大利的父亲甚至还可以继续从经济上资助他的已成年并已挣工资的儿子,因为作为一家之主,他很乐意去资助他的孩子们,不管他们有多大。