1. As part of the West India Docks, Canary Wharf warehoused fruit from the Canaries. 金丝雀码头作为西印度码头的一部分,仓库中存贮着来自卡那里斯的水果。
2. We have to have the goods warehoused and insured against usual risks for your account. 我们只好将货存放仓库并投保通常使用的险别,费用由你方负担。
3. With much regret we inform you that the contents of Case No. 54 were stolen while being warehoused. 兹歉告你方,第54号箱内货物在存放仓库期间被窃。
4. Nearly two million of America's elderly are warehoused in nursing homes, out of sight and, to some extent, out of mind. 美国有将近2000万老人生活在养老院里,远离了公众的视线,在一定程度上也远离了我们的思绪。
5. According to Forrester Research Inc., the total amount of data warehoused by enterprises is doubling every three years. 根据Forrester Research Inc .公司的研究,企业的储存的数据的总量每3年就翻一翻。