1. She is very smart and loving, and is turning out to be protective of our home and a great watch-dog, too! 她是很聪明又可爱的狗。 也慢慢转变成会保卫我们的家。同时也是绝佳的看家狗!
2. Facebook appears set to launch a social check-in Deals feature, according to an email forwarded by a participating retailer to Facebook watch-dog blog All Facebook tonight. 据今晚Facebook非官方博客All Facebook 的一位分红零售商转发的一封邮件,Facebook即将推出一项整合了社区“签到”的购物功能。
3. I emptied the bag of greens into the dog dish and stood back, as I usually do, to watch for a minute. 我把那袋绿色蔬菜倒进狗的盘子里,像往常一样,站在后面看了一会儿。
4. So you watch the dog die over days or weeks. 然后看着狗在几天甚至几周里慢慢死去。
5. We raised one dog to watch the door and one to be killed in the Lunar New Year because we were too poor to buy pork. 我们家养一条狗来看家,另外一条在过年的时候杀了吃肉,因为太穷了没钱买猪肉。