1. By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier, more wasteful nations. 投资高效工厂能节余很多宝贵的碳信用额度,可以用来卖给那些更富有、更浪费的国家。
2. In the 1980s and 1990s, young people in the UK became wealthier on average. 在上世纪80年代和90年代,从平均来看,英国的年轻人变得更为富有。
3. In Stockholm, car use has actually fallen in recent years as the city has become larger and wealthier. 实际上,在斯德哥尔摩,随着城市规模的扩大和人民富裕程度的提高,汽车的使用量在近年来有所下降。
4. Money may not quite buy happiness, but people in wealthier countries are generally happier than those in poor ones. 金钱也许不能买到幸福,但富裕国家的人通常比贫穷国家的人更幸福。
5. The wealthier may have to pay a little more in taxes. 更有钱的人可能得多交点税。