1. Ever since Einstein, physicists have been telling us that time—this steady tick-tock of the universe—is much weirder than we think. 自从爱因斯坦以来,物理学家们一直告诉我们,时间——这个宇宙稳定的滴答滴答声——远远比我们想象的还要神奇。
2. But, this one is a lot weirder. 但是这个就显得比较怪异了。
3. There, things only got weirder. 在那里,事情变得更加不可思议。
4. What could be weirder than quantum mechanics? 还有什么比量子力学更神奇?
5. there is a much larger and much weirder issue. 还是有一个更大的、更离奇的问题。