1. Thanks for your well-wishing and nice letter in praise of my wife. 感谢您的祝福以及对我内人赞美的书信。
2. Sometimes I don't know whether I can give my friends calls or emails, I don't know whether I can give my well-wishing or not. I also think that it is redundant for my greetings. 有时我也不知道我是否该给我的好朋友电话,信息。我不知道我能否给予我的祝福,我不知道我的问候是否多余。
3. They can build social capital with little effort just by noticing that acontact has posted an update about her birthday today and wishing her well. 不用费吹灰之力,仅需以发站内信恭贺某人生日并致以祝福之类的手段,即可维护自己的社会资本。
4. There were more texts after that — friends sending love, thinking of my son, now 15, and me, wishing us well. 之后又来了很多短信——朋友们借此表达了善意还有对我15岁的儿子和我的牵挂,还祝我们生活得更好。
5. You probably start by thinking about who's wishing you well. 也许你会先想想是谁在祝福你。