1. If I let you alone for half a day, won't you come sighing and wheedling to me again? 如果我让你自己一个人待半天,你会不会又叹着气走过来,又跟我甜言蜜语呢?
2. So “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” chronicles its author’s constant demanding, wheedling, scolding and screaming. 因此《虎妈高唱战歌》是一部作者不断苛求、哄骗、责骂和尖叫的“编年史”。
3. Deliberately provoke your adversary. Find something that makes them angry and keep wheedling away on this point until they lose their temper and so the argument. 故意激怒对手。找到他们的痛处不断刺激直到对手因失去理智而输掉。
4. The most important message Mr Roh can take to Pyongyang is that those cracks have narrowed, and no amount of wheedling or bluster from Mr Kim will allow them to widen. 卢先生能带给平壤的最重要的消息是,这些缝隙已经缩小了,并且不管金先生连哄带骗还是虚张声势,都不能让这些缝隙再扩大了。
5. And they enslaved you over again - but not frankly, as the true, noble men would do with weight of their own right arms, but secretly, by spidery machinations and by wheedling and cajolery and lies. 他们重新奴役看你们——可并不是坦率地奴役,像那些真诚的高贵的、用右手的高压统治你们的人,而是像蜘蛛一样用阴谋、谎言和甜言蜜语阴险地统治你们的人。