1. Huffing and puffing in the curb lane, traffic whizzing by just inches away, the man pedaling the cyclo is quickly left behind. 就在这名骑着三轮车的男子在路沿边喘息的功夫,车辆在几英寸外呼啸而去,他就迅速被甩在后面了。
2. Cars were whizzing past. 汽车飕飕地开了过去。
3. One gust, two gusts, numerous whizzing gusts of wind. 一阵风,两阵风,无数呼动的风阵。
4. What a whizzing and popping they made as they went off! 什么是嗖嗖啪他们为他们去了!
5. When I was whizzing around, the sky is the same colour as the water. 当我做周身转体的时候,觉得天空和水面是同样的颜色。