1. Widows seem to experience more distress than widowers. 寡妇似乎比鳏夫感受更多痛苦。
2. The effect was first noted in 1858 by William Farr, who wrote that widows and widowers were at a much higher risk of dying than their married peers. 1858年,威廉·法尔(William Farr)首次发现了这一效应,他写道,寡妇和鳏夫的死亡风险比已婚同龄人高得多。
3. Unmarried men are not wanted in the Sales Department, not even widowers. 销售部不要未婚男士,甚至连丧偶的也不要。
4. But is that answer satisfactory enough for the victims, the orphans, the widowers, the dying, and the already perished? 但是这样的回答能否让受难者,孤儿,寡妇,将要离去和已经离去的人们得到安慰呢?
5. A key idea of the family of Rotary is that it encompasses the family of every Rotarian — spouses, widows and widowers, children, and parents. 扶轮家庭的主要观念之一是它涵盖每个扶轮社员的家庭、配偶、矜寡者、子女、及双亲。