2. I hope I'm not being too long-winded. 我希望我不是太啰嗦。
3. He was momentarily winded by the blow to his stomach. 他的肚子上挨了一击,一时喘不过气来。
4. The manifesto is long-winded, repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted. 这篇宣言长篇大论,内容叠床架屋,词句常常含混不清或不知所云。
5. The victory was mine, I still believe, but when I made to take the trophy, winded Helen shook her head, declaring, "I have the curse." 我依然相信,胜利属于我,但是当我刚要摘得战利品时,海伦气喘吁吁地摇了摇头,说道:“我被诅咒了。”