1. This astonishing fact prompts a host of frequently asked questions or, as wordsmiths call them, FAQs. 这个惊人的事实激发出大量的频繁提出的问题,文字专家们把它们称之为FAO,即“常见问题”。
2. Chinese is our common tool of communication, they in many wordsmiths scholars pen is full of humour and wit. 汉字是我们大家共同的交流工具,它们在许多文豪墨客的笔下更是妙趣横生。
3. READERS often assume that The Economist has a dedicated department of skilled wordsmiths who hone its humorous picture captions. 读者通常认为《经济学人》有专门琢磨其诙谐图片标题的熟练文人所组成的部门。
4. What is strange is that the China Writers' Association, which brings together nearly all of the country's best wordsmiths, knows only how to speak this dead language. 奇怪的是我们偌大中国集中了几乎全体最善文字者的“作家协会”,怎么就只会说这种僵尸般的语言?