1. The emergence of science fiction and fantasy genres have spawned a new galaxy of wraiths. 而科幻小说与传奇故事的出现又滋生了一大批鬼魂。
2. It WAS the mangroves he noticed first, reduced to cobwebbed wraiths as far as the eye could see. 红树林,退化成纵横交织地哀鸿遍野,是他最先注意到的事情。
3. And further back, gliding among the trees at the edge of the clearing like wraiths, circle the witch doctors, or shamans. 再往回一望,树林中充满着一股幽灵般的气氛,中间空地有一些巫医或称为萨满的人。
4. As we travelled on, the country became even more barren, with here and there a dead cow, others on their last legs, moving like wraiths among the leafless trees. 我们越往前走,这个村子的荒凉就越得以显现。 到处都可见到死亡的牛,那些还活着的也都快不行了,它们在那些没有叶子的树丛中走来走去就像魂灵一样。
5. On the Sixth Day of Christmas, Blizzard gave to me six zealots fighting, five newborn queens, four hydralisks, three marines, two terran Wraiths and a brand new SCV. 在圣诞节的第五天,暴雪给我五新生的皇后,四刺蛇,三名马润,两人族的幽灵,一个全新的SCV。 。