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6. The Spill on His Shirt 他衬衫上的污渍


Larry decided to wear his dad's favorite shirt on his date. His dad told him not to though. Larry did not think it was a big deal. He was only going to wear it once. He wanted to impress his date. His date was Julie. Julie told Larry that she liked what he was wearing. He was very happy to hear that. He did not care what his dad said. All that mattered was that Julie liked him. Larry was eating a burger. Some of the sauce dripped on his shirt. He did not notice because he was looking at Julie's face. "Larry, your shirt is a mess," she laughed. Larry looked down. He knew he was going to get into trouble with his dad. It was okay though because Julie laughed.

上一篇: 5. Exercising Together 一起锻炼
下一篇: 7. Shopping for a Dress 买衣服