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38. Holes in Jeans 牛仔裤上的洞


Lisa showed her mom the stuff she bought at the mall. Her mom liked the shirts she bought. She hated the jeans she bought though. The jeans were blue. There were a lot of holes. "That's damaged! Return it!" her mom said. Lisa laughed at her mom. "I bought it like this!" she said. "Why would you buy something that is ruined?" her mom asked. "It's stylish!" Lisa said. Her mom did not understand fashion trends. Her mom thought Lisa could have made the holes herself. Her mom looked at the price tag, and screamed. "$50? Lizzie, you're insane," her mom said. "More like insanely stylish!" Lisa joked.

上一篇: 37. Sweaters Knitted by Grandma 奶奶织的毛衣
下一篇: 39. PB & J Sandwiches PB&J三明治