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69. They Want a Baby 他们想要一个孩子


She wanted to have a baby. She wanted to have a baby girl. He wanted to have a baby. He wanted to have a baby boy. He loved her. He said, "Okay, we will have a baby girl." She loved him. She said, "Okay, we will have a baby boy." They both loved each other. They both wanted to make each other happy. He talked to his parents. He asked them what to do. She talked to her parents. She asked them what to do. His parents said, "No problem. Have two babies. Have a baby girl and a baby boy." Her parents said the same thing! So they had two babies. They had a baby girl. Then they had a baby boy.

上一篇: 68. Soccer 足球
下一篇: 70. Happy New Year, or Not? 新年快乐,还是不快乐?