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95. A Brush with God? 与上帝擦肩而过?


He dropped his toothbrush. It fell on the floor. He picked up his toothbrush. He rinsed it off. He brushed his teeth. He rinsed his mouth. He walked out of the bathroom. He sat on his bed. He felt something. It was under the sheet. He took the sheet off the bed. Something was in his mattress. It was a brand new mattress. He had bought it yesterday. What is in the mattress, he wondered. He went to the kitchen. He took a knife from the kitchen drawer. He cut open the mattress. What could it be, he wondered. It was small. It was black. It was a book. It was the New Testament. Is God trying to tell me something, he wondered.

上一篇: 94. Wash and Dry 洗干
下一篇: 96. Where's My Flu Shot? 我的流感疫苗在哪里?