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150. Poor Old Folks 可怜的老人


It was a TV commercial. The TV commercial was about two old married people. They had had health problems. He had lost his job. They had used their savings to pay for health care. They went through their savings. They had no more savings. They were living on social security. They lived in a small house. "Look at those poor people," Barry said. "They're not poor people. They're actors," Eva said. "No, they're not," Barry said. "He has no right hand. His wife has no left foot. They're real people. They're suffering. What kind of country is this? This is the richest country in the world. What kind of government allows this?" Eva said, "It's not the government's fault. It's their fault. They shouldn't have gotten sick. They should have saved more. They should have planned better. Don't blame the government. The government isn't your mommy."

上一篇: 149. Cancer Cells or Fat Cells? 癌细胞还是脂肪细胞?
下一篇: 151. Where's My Penny? 我的便士呢?