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162. The Performance Artist 表演艺术家


Marina does performance art. She recently finished a five-day performance. She sat silently in a museum. She sat there every day for six hours. She didn't move or talk. There was a circle on the floor. Visitors could walk up to the edge of the circle. They could look at her from just a few feet away. They could talk to her. They could wave at her. They could stare. They could make faces. They could do almost anything they wanted. But they couldn't touch her. A security guard stood near her. It was the fifth day. Five minutes before her final hour was up, a man walked up. He stuck his finger down his throat. Then he threw up on her. She sat there for five more minutes. Then she wiped herself off with a towel. She didn't say anything. Her five-day performance was over. The man was arrested.

上一篇: 161. A Windy Landing 刮风着陆
下一篇: 163. The Perfect Game 完美的游戏