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182. Date the Right Boys 和合适的男孩约会


Paul had been a Marine for 17 years. He couldn't wait to retire. "I've enjoyed it," he told his brother Sam, "but I'll also enjoy leaving it." He wasn't sure what he was going to do after retirement. He definitely would spend more time with his daughters. His girls were seven and nine. "They see me for awhile, and they don't see me for a longer while," Paul said. He planned to retire in five years. His girls would be twelve and fourteen. "That'll be perfect," he said. "I want to be home every night. Teenage girls need dads at home to watch over them. And I'll be there to make sure they don't date the wrong boys." Paul didn't want his girls to follow in his and his wife's footsteps. They had gotten married right after high school. He wanted his daughters to stay single and go to college.

上一篇: 181. Thieves Take Paintings 小偷偷了画
下一篇: 183. Carry the Groceries Home (1) 把杂货带回家(1)