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185. A New "From" Name 新的“发件人”名称


His email "From" name was Cool Guy. But the name wasn't cool enough. He wanted something cooler. After much thought, he came up with something cooler: Cool Dude. His friends would be so jealous. His name would be the coolest "From" name of all. He went online to his Yahoo! email. He clicked on Options. Then he clicked on Mail Options. He saw Social Features, Shortcuts, and more. But he didn't see Change "From" Name. He clicked on Accounts. He saw Yahoo! Mail. He hovered the pointer over it. It was a link. But why wasn't it blue, like most links? He clicked on Yahoo! Mail. Under Sending Mail was Your "From" Name. Next to that was a box. He changed Cool Guy in the box to Cool Dude. He clicked on Save Changes. He clicked on Back to Mail. He sent all his friends a short email: "Guess who?"

上一篇: 184. Carry the Groceries Home (2) 把杂货带回家(2)
下一篇: 186. A Book Full of Typos 一本全是错字的书