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200. She Sees Hair 她看到了头发


She said that the hair on his head was growing back a little. He was surprised to hear that. He had never heard of hair growing back. Cancer victims who get chemotherapy often lose their hair. It often grows back. But he hadn't had chemotherapy. He asked if she was sure. He couldn't see any new hair. Yes, she was sure. His hairline was "proceeding" instead of receding, she said. She said that she was growing hair, too. "I never used to have hair on my legs," she said. Now she was growing some hair on her legs. She showed him her legs. He couldn't see any hair. He asked her if she had been drinking. She said of course not. "Do you doubt me?" she asked. He said no, of course not. He was just joking. But the next day he made an appointment with an eye doctor.

上一篇: 199. A Ladies' Man 女士男士