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School Life:20. Help from a Classmate 学校生活:20.同学的帮助


A: Excuse me, aren't you in my math class? B: Yes, I think I am. A: Could I please borrow your notes? B: Sure, but please hurry with them. A: I will. I only want to look over them. B: We went over some new material yesterday. A: Was it very difficult? B: It was not too different from what we've learned. A: Did the teacher mention the test? B: The test will be next week. A: Thank you for your help! B: Sure, good luck studying.

上一篇: School Life:19. A Laptop for School 学校生活:19.学校笔记本电脑
下一篇: School Life:21. English Dictionary 学校生活:21.英语词典