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Jobs:5. You Have to Get a Job 职场:你必须找份工作


A: How long have you been watching T.V.? B: About 10 hours. A: You need to get a job! B: Why? You and dad make so much money. A: You can't just sit around all day. B: But I'm not good at anything. A: Everyone is good at something. B: Well, I'm good at watching T.V. A: Why don't you become a T.V. critic? B: I would love to watch T.V. and write great reviews! A: See? You are good at something. B: Thanks, Mom. I'll start looking for jobs now.

上一篇: Jobs:4. Starting a Business 职场:创业
下一篇: Jobs:6. Finding a Job 职场:找工作