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Housing:3. Broken Window 房子:破碎的窗户


A: My son broke a window yesterday. B: How did he do that? A: He said he was practicing his pitching. B: He was pitching against the window? A: No, against the side of the house. B: If he missed, he's not a very good pitcher. A: No, but he's pretty fast and can run long distances. B: How do you know that? A: I chased him when I found out he broke the window. B: Well, you contributed to his training. A: As his coach, my fee is three months of his allowance. B: What a coincidence! That's enough for a new window.

上一篇: Housing:2. A Nice Blue Color 房子:漂亮的蓝色
下一篇: Housing:4. Air Conditioning 房子:空调