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Taking The Bus:21. Chatty Neighbor 乘公共汽车:21.健谈的邻居


A: Hello! It's nice to meet you! B: Hello, likewise. A: Are you taking the bus downtown? B: Yes, I am. I'm doing some shopping. A: Oh, so am I! Prices are so much better there. B: Yes, they are. A: The weather is very nice today, at least. B: I'm glad for that. It's nice for walking about. A: Heatwaves are so unfortunate. They drain my energy! B: I know what you mean. A: Would you like to join me while shopping today? B: I just remembered, I have to get off at the next stop.

上一篇: Taking The Bus:20. Baby On the Bus 乘公共汽车:20.婴儿在公共汽车上
下一篇: Taking The Bus:22. Lost a Ticket 乘公共汽车:22.丢了一张票