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Taking The Bus:25. Standing in Line 乘公共汽车:25.排队


A: This line is so long! B: We've been waiting for almost an hour! A: I guess they do a really thorough check. B: What are they checking for? A: They need to make sure no one is carrying any weapons. B: I'm glad they check thoroughly for that! A: They also have to make sure no one has drugs. B: Wow! I guess that's why the police dogs are here. A: Look! There are only three people ahead. B: After that, can we board the bus? A: Yes. We're almost there. B: Good! I'm tired of standing in line!

上一篇: Taking The Bus:24. Overnight Buses 乘公共汽车:24.通宵公共汽车
下一篇: Taking The Bus:26. Sleeping on the Greyhound 乘公共汽车:26.睡在灰狗上