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Social Networking:14. Tumblr Famous 社交网络:14.Tumblr出名


A: I am following my favorite artist on Tumblr. B: Why are you following their blogs? A: I am hoping they will see my drawings. B: What would that do? A: I heard that some artists find jobs this way. B: You mean the artist hires them? A: Sometimes, if their art is good. B: That sounds amazing. A: Tumblr is very good for getting noticed. B: I want to be a singer. A: Maybe you can post some songs on Tumblr. B: I don't think Lady Gaga will notice me.

上一篇: Social Networking:13. Blogging 社交网络:13.博客
下一篇: Social Networking:15. Application Obsession 社交网络:15.应用痴迷