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Social Happenings:3. You Need Coffee 社会事件:3.你需要咖啡


A: I feel so sleepy this morning. B: Why are you so tired? It's not like you. A: I was working late last night and didn't get much sleep. B: Maybe you should drink some coffee. A: I hear coffee stunts your growth. B: That's only if you drink it when you're young. A: Coffee also stains your teeth brown. B: Just rinse your mouth when you finish drinking it. A: It's too hot to drink coffee, anyways. B: There are also iced coffee drinks you can try. A: I guess an iced coffee does sound pretty good. B: It's my treat. Maybe once you have some, you'll be more interesting to talk to.

上一篇: Social Happenings:2. Going to the Movies 社会事件:2.去看电影
下一篇: Social Happenings:4. Banquet Attire 社会事件:4.宴会服装