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Social Happenings:5. A Slow Party 社会事件:5.一个缓慢的聚会


A: How are you enjoying the party? B: Well, the food is good. A: You don't sound very excited. B: The party isn't very exciting. A: It's only as exciting as you make it! B: There's really nothing to do here. A: The music will start in a while. B: I don't really know how to dance… A: That's fine! The important thing is to have fun. B: I look like a headless chicken when I dance. A: Well, I look like a monkey, but I still dance! B: Then I won't feel so bad if we dance together!

上一篇: Social Happenings:4. Banquet Attire 社会事件:4.宴会服装
下一篇: Social Happenings:6. Where is the Bathroom 社会事件:6.浴室在哪里