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Social Happenings:15. Silent Rave 社会事件:15.无声的狂欢


A: I went to an interesting rave last night. B: What was so interesting about it? A: It was called a silent rave. B: How can you have a rave without music? A: Everyone wears headphones and dances to the music. B: That doesn't sound very fun. A: It is very convenient. B: How can it be convenient? A: To talk to someone, you just take off the earphones. B: Wow! That does sound convenient. A: Best of all, I got a cute girl's phone number. B: Now I see why you liked the rave so much!

上一篇: Social Happenings:14. Hopeless Husband Gift Exchange 社会事件:14.无望的丈夫礼物交换
下一篇: Social Happenings:16. Making New Friends 社交事件:16.结交新朋友