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Daily Life:4. A Get-Well Card 日常生活:4.健康卡


A: David did not come to work again today. B: He must be very sick to be absent a whole week. A: My sister made him some soup yesterday. B: Soup is very good for sick people to eat. A: Apparently, it wasn't good enough. B: What else does one do for a sick person? A: I'm going to send him a get-well card. B: That is very nice of you. A: Maybe I'll get the whole office to sign it. B: Good idea, but I suggest you mail it to him. A: Why can't I take it to him? B: If you catch his cold, it will mean more work for us!

上一篇: Daily Life:3. A Public Pool 日常生活:3.公共游泳池
下一篇: Daily Life:5. Ceiling Fans 日常生活:5.吊扇