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Daily Life:6. An Earthquake 日常生活:6.地震


A: Did you feel the earthquake last night? B: Yes, the whole house was shaking! A: I was afraid the windows would shatter! B: A lot of my collectibles fell off their shelves. A: Did they break? B: Unfortunately. Some of them can be fixed, though. A: My cat was outside when the earthquake started. B: Oh no! That's terrible! Is she ok? A: She's fine. Animals have good natural instincts. B: I wish people could predict earthquakes, too. A: I think it would just make people panic more easily. B: You're right. Maybe it's best to leave it to cats.

上一篇: Daily Life:5. Ceiling Fans 日常生活:5.吊扇
下一篇: Daily Life:7. Shiny Shoes 日常生活:7.闪亮的鞋子